Saturday 29 October 2011

Looking at the little bits

Well, the kick boxing is going well; and this week I was really pleased when the instructor gave me the plan for my next belt ; so I'll be doing my next grading again in the next couple of weeks - so cross fingers.

I needed new trainers, so for the first time in 43 years went and got my feet / gait / stance assessed.

Got put on some peace of technology that photographed my feet / ankles / etc and assessed it all.

I'm a very bad over pronator, so for years I've been putting excess stress and rotation up through my legs and into my back. I'm not saying that fixing this will fix my back, far from it. But, removing another causative and stressing factor has got to be helpful.

I'm going to take this further and get special orthotics insoles for everyday use and see what happens when I walk properly every day (for the first time in my life !)

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Sunday 23 October 2011

I'm back

Been away a while; to be honest I got quite down and lost interest. My back had improved pain wise but I couldn't actually do very much. My right leg just wouldn't work properly.

Then I started getting good use in the leg, but at the same time I started getting nerve pain back in it, at times I would have numb patches here and there. I tried a jog on a machine, so gentle it was just passed walking but my right leg just got heavier and heavier and I had to get off - so I felt really low for several weeks, had pain an didn't know what to do.

I rested it until it stopped hurting and started STRETCHING more and more; I started weight training (upper body only) and made sure nothing loaded badly on my spine - it didn't get worse ! - maybe I should keep gently pushing it ?

I started pilates - it didn't hurt and my back felt good . I used ice packs at night if it was sore..... And I stretches more and more - why was it that stretching my leg big time Which stressed right on the sciatic Wasn't making it worse ?

So I started going back to kick boxing ! Been back 4 weeks now ! - I spend a lot of time stretching and warming up and I'm careful not to do anything too radical, buy hey I'm doing it !!!!!

I also have a new Physio , he reckons that posture has a lot to do with stress on the lower disks so I'm working on relaxing my abs and changing my posture - this is very hard, but seems to be working. Flexibility, thoughtful activity and relaxed, corrected , proper posture are key !!!

I'm off to kick boxing this evening so I'll update then ! - oh, and I have a new friend.......

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Saturday 20 August 2011

Progress !

First gym session complete !

Ok, I trained differently, but manage some bench work, French press, flies, and curls. All done sat or lying .

Did 10 minutes on a cross trainer too (as it's non impact) - disappointed with that; right leg wouldn't take any more - but hey; I've gone from 24 hour gripping pain, through immobility to starting again !

Am going to go to kick box class either tomorrow or next week - I'll only partake lightly but it will be a huge experience to put gloves back on after being told I would never do it again !

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Wednesday 10 August 2011

One week !

One week till consultants review !

Right leg good, still only 85% strength and control compared to normal and it gets tired quick. Bit of a shame getting some symptoms in left leg :-(

After review am hoping to start gentle cycling and core work.............. and, am going to start stretching and gentle bag work ! :-) - that will be crunch time. So review Wednesday,

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Tuesday 26 July 2011

? Stupid ?

Well, three weeks ago I could not really walk, and the pain was simply incredible and non stop.

Now things are by far not right; but, I have managed to go 'walkabout' in France in the Dordogne . I wanted to start getting that right leg moving anyway.

I decided on using my rucksack as other options meant carrying weight at funny angles , being lop sided or twisting, even a roller case needs carrying at times and is dragged with a slight twist and ruptured disk dont like that !

The rucksack has a good hip belt so I can put most of the weight through my pelvis :-) - the other weight is carried close to my back and I can walk stood straight up - this way I am just about coping with this :

I have also started to gently do my kick box stretches each day. There is still limited range, I've lost flexibility and my sciatic pulls, but I houl be able to gently and gradually stretch all this

I've also started doing a little gentle bag work; just arms / hands - but it's a START !!!

I'm not religious , but I believe in 'something' - I lit a candle at a beautiful spot in the Eglise Notre damn in Bergerac (well worth a visit)

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Friday 15 July 2011

Wonder where I am? !

Well , injection has had time to settle down and I can't understand why I'm not back to full training and fitness ? - surely one quick jab and it should have been fixed ?

Unreal expectations ! - normal perhaps, but that ruptured disk is still there; the pain is loads better though, just sporadic dull aches in my right leg and local pain in the right lumber region. I can sleep now and move quite well; leg is weak and still couple of numb areas but it's 65% better than it was. AND I have clearance for 'gentle' rehab :-)

I'm going to give it another week though, then start gentle core stability. Then (hopefully) I need to start to train without loading extra weight down through my spine - that means no weight training.....

So ! Suspension training for me using body weight and TRX straps.

These are great pieces of kit and easy to carry around with you. They are best hung from a beam or tree branch etc; but at the moment I'm going to use mine over a door as below:

It's worth having a look at these on YouTube, which shows how they are used better than I could describe - they can really work you hard and activate your core with nearly every move.

I'll start with them in a week and let you know whether they help me, or just antagonise an injured back

Saturday 9 July 2011

Racehorses ?

Well, the injection in my spine had cortisone, marcaine and
Ketamine in. Thought the later was a sedative for horses !

Anyway I'm now out and about with a craving to graze :-). My leg has started to ache a little again, but, is about 50% improved. I still have a marked limp but we'll have to wait a few weeks and see how things turn out.

I am not going o attempt to train or anything else for at least a fortnight.

What I have learnt is that it is often Recommended to go straight to a diskectomy; I had quite a bit of pressure to do so. This is where they operate and cut out the prolapsed centre of the disk that is pressing on a nerve (like the jam leaking out of a squashed doughnut). But once you've been operated on the back is weaker; and I may yet have to go there.

But the point is that there Are options, and after 3 days the injection has significantly improved me .

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Thursday 7 July 2011

Current kick box equipment

Well today my 'equipment' is tubes, monitors and medical stuff. To be fair I have a nice room, pleasant nurses and quite good food !

This is not yet progressing my kick boxing !

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Day 2 - Pain improves but an interesting night !!

Well... It's fair to say that all my important bits were totally numb as well as my legs.

Yup, so I couldn't go to the loo ! Tubes, tubes, tubes - well at least it didn't hurt.

This can be common and can be worrying - but if it happens to you then hang in there - it can be a normal side effect ! My sensation has now returned (phew ! .....)- hopefully I'll be able to wee alone later today :-)

Pain is less in my legs though.

I have also ordered a TRX suspension training system - I'll explain why and how it will contribute to my rehab and kickboxing later !

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Numb bum

Well, 6th July - over two weeks ago the disk between L5 and S1 in my back exploded ! The jam squeezed out the doughnut and pushed direct on my sciatic nerve !!

To all of you out there with sciatica my deepest sympathy!!!

So - today I've just had an injection under x-ray into the nerve route to try and take the inflammation out and help healing; however I am temporarily paralysedp until the anaesthetic wears off. Sort of humbling in a way and this very short insight renews my respect for the courage and determination of folk with Permanent disabilities.

So I shall update my progress and hopefully talk to other disk victims..

Oh... And one more thing... I shall Plan and talk of my hopeful recuperation with the goal of getting to competitive kick boxing by 45 ! -!that gives me 18 months !!!

So if you'd like to contribute I'd love to hear your experiences